KCC Street Lighting Consultation

The public consultation provides information on why we are switching to LED street lights and seeks the views of residents, businesses, communities and other stakeholders on whether they would prefer the current level of service of part-night lighting, or all-night lighting. We are also seeking feedback on the dimming of street lights when roads are less busy.

The consultation launches on the 21st September and runs for ten weeks until the 29th November 2015.

Details of this consultation can be found on our website at www.kent.gov.uk/streetlights where the online consultation questionnaire can be completed. The consultation document and questionnaire are also available in Easy Read and Word formats on the website (above) or on request by e-mail alternativeformats@kent.gov.uk, or phone 03000 421553 (this number is monitored during office hours and there is an answering machine at other times).